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미드저니 사용법 왕초보도 5분 만에 터득 가능함

by 씨커Seeker 2024. 9. 25.


ENG Ver.

Master Midjourney in Just 5 Minutes: A Beginner's Guide!


Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to show you how even complete beginners can start using the AI-powered image generation service, Midjourney, in just 5 minutes. It might seem complicated at first, but trust me, it's really simple once you get the hang of it. So, shall we dive right in?

📌 What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is a service that transforms text prompts into stunning images using artificial intelligence. You don't need to be an artist or have any design experience to create the images you want. It's that easy!

📌 What You'll Need

  1. Discord Account
    • Midjourney operates through the Discord platform.
    • If you don't have an account yet, please sign up on the official Discord website.
  2. Join Midjourney

📌 How to Use Midjourney

1. Access the Midjourney Server on Discord

  • After logging into the Discord app or web version, find and click on the Midjourney icon on the left sidebar.

2. Choose a Channel

  • Select one of the channels starting with #newbies. For example: #newbies-1, #newbies-2

3. Enter the Image Generation Command

  • In the chat input box, type /imagine and press the spacebar; a prompt field will appear.
  • After prompt, type a description of the image you want to create, in English.
    • Example: /imagine prompt: a cute puppy playing in the garden

4. Wait for the Image to Generate

  • Once you submit, Midjourney will start generating your image.
  • After a short wait, four image variations will appear.

5. Upscale or Variate the Image

  • Use the buttons below the images to refine them.
    • U1 ~ U4: Upscales the selected image to a higher resolution.
    • V1 ~ V4: Creates new variations based on the selected image.
  • Click the button corresponding to the action you want, and wait for the result.

6. Save Your Image

  • Hover over the image you like, right-click and select "Save Image As..." to download it to your computer.

📌 Tips

  • Be Specific: The more detailed your prompt, the better the chance of getting the image you want.
    • Example: /imagine prompt: sunset over a mountain range, vibrant colors, high resolution
  • Apply Styles: Adding an artist's name or a particular style can produce unique images.
    • Example: /imagine prompt: portrait of a woman in the style of Picasso
  • Language Limitation: Midjourney primarily works with English inputs. Feel free to use a translator if needed.

In Closing

What do you think? Easier than you thought, right? Now it's your turn to create amazing images using Midjourney. It might feel a bit unfamiliar at first, but you'll get used to it after a few tries. If you have any questions or want to share your creations, please leave a comment!

Wishing you a delightful creative journey! 😊

▲ If you're from an English-speaking country, hit this!


안녕하세요, 여러분! 오늘은 인공지능을 활용한 이미지 생성 서비스인 미드저니(Midjourney)를 왕초보도 5분 만에 사용할 수 있도록 쉽게 알려드리려고 해요. 복잡해 보이지만 알고 보면 정말 간단하답니다. 그럼 바로 시작해볼까요?

📌 미드저니란?
미드저니는 텍스트로 입력한 내용을 인공지능이 해석하여 멋진 이미지로 만들어주는 서비스예요. 그림 실력이 없어도, 디자인 경험이 없어도 원하는 이미지를 손쉽게 얻을 수 있답니다.

📌 준비물
1. 디스코드(Discord) 계정
   - 미드저니는 디스코드 플랫폼을 통해 이용할 수 있어요.
   - 아직 계정이 없다면 [디스코드 공식 사이트](https://discord.com/)에서 회원가입을 해주세요.

2. 미드저니 가입
   - [미드저니 공식 홈페이지](https://www.midjourney.com/)에 접속하여 "Join the Beta" 버튼을 눌러 디스코드 서버에 참여하세요.

📌 미드저니 사용 방법
1. 디스코드에서 미드저니 서버 접속하기
- 디스코드 앱이나 웹에서 로그인한 후, 좌측 사이드바에서 미드저니 아이콘을 찾아 클릭하세요.

2. 채널 선택하기
- #newbies로 시작하는 채널 중 하나를 선택하세요. 예: `#newbies-1`, `#newbies-2`

3. 이미지 생성 명령어 입력하기

- 채팅 입력창에 `/imagine`이라고 입력하고 스페이스바를 누르면 `prompt`란이 나타나요.
- `prompt` 뒤에 원하는 이미지에 대한 설명을 영어로 입력하세요.
- 예: `/imagine prompt: a cute puppy playing in the garden`


4. 이미지 생성 기다리기
- 입력을 완료하면 미드저니가 이미지를 생성하기 시작해요.
- 약간의 시간이 지나면 4개의 이미지가 나타납니다.

5. 이미지 업스케일 및 변형하기
- 이미지 아래에 있는 버튼들을 활용하세요.
- U1 ~ U4: 각각의 이미지를 고해상도로 업스케일합니다.
- V1 ~ V4: 해당 이미지를 기반으로 새로운 변형 이미지를 생성합니다.
- 원하는 작업의 버튼을 클릭하면 결과물이 다시 나타나요.

6. 이미지 저장하기
- 원하는 이미지에 마우스를 올리고, 우클릭 후 "이미지 저장"을 선택하여 컴퓨터에 저장하세요.

📌 팁(Tips)
- 구체적인 설명: 프롬프트에 자세한 설명을 추가할수록 원하는 이미지를 얻을 확률이 높아져요.
예: `/imagine prompt: sunset over a mountain range, vibrant colors, high resolution`

- 스타일 적용: 특정 아티스트의 이름이나 스타일을 추가하면 독특한 이미지가 생성돼요.
예: `/imagine prompt: portrait of a woman in the style of Picasso`

- 언어 제한: 현재 미드저니는 영어 입력을 기본으로 해요. 번역기가 필요하다면 활용해보세요.


어때요? 생각보다 정말 쉽죠? 이제 여러분도 미드저니를 활용하여 멋진 이미지를 만들어보세요. 처음에는 어색할 수 있지만, 몇 번 해보면 금방 익숙해질 거예요. 궁금한 점이나 공유하고 싶은 작품이 있다면 댓글로 남겨주세요!

즐거운 창작 시간 되시길 바라요! 😊
